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     This is where our adventure takes an unplanned twist. We had shared a van to the Vienna airport with some other tour mates so we had plenty of time before our 10:00am flight to Frankfurt and then home to Portland. I began to get nervous when we were all seated on the plane but there was lots of action near the cockpit. Come to find out the air conditioner unit wasn't working and it needed to be replaced. Over an hour later we were told that the new unit wouldn't work and the flight was cancelled. By the time we disembarked I knew there was no way we would make it to Frankfurt to catch our flight to Portland. Insert sad face.

     Let's fast forward ..... by 7:00pm we were landing in Frankfurt. Our knight in shining armor was Klaus, Marlon's dad, because he met us at the airport and helped us get a direct flight the following morning. At midnight we were sitting in his kitchen with a cold beer, laughing and talking about the highlights of our trip. Typical airport lines awaited us the next day but everything ran smooth. Mom finally breathed easy once we were in the air. Insert happy face!

What a fun surprise to get this calendar in the mail! It is packed with pictures and tour information and the cover photo is a place we visited on our amazing tour. Hungry for  more details about the GAS (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) tour? Here is the link.

Danke Schoen for reading about the adventures my mom and I had on our first Rick Steves tour. I can't wait to go on another one and have dreams of Scotland, Ireland and Portugal dancing in my head. To see more of what is offered with Rick Steves click here. If you would like to contact me, leave your info!

Keeping our adventures closer to home. Here we are in November 2018 at Shore Acres State Park on the Southern Oregon coast while visiting my aunt and uncle.

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